
What's Really in Your Drinking Water?

Adults in their 40s and over the recall of childhood, when nobody thought about where their water came from or what was in it. Purchase a bottle of water would seem like a waste of money back when everyone was sure about what is in their tap water. Today, many religious people to buy water to drink because they are afraid of their municipal water services. But is that really the best way to monitor what you drink?

Municipal water is attacked a lot in the media, unfortunately, for good reason. If your home has a funny smell or water is so heavy in minerals you need a bottle of shampoo to lather in your hair, you're probably not going to want to drink it for its bad taste, let alone a health hazard. Even if your tap water seems fine, the level of chlorine used for treatment to kill bacteria in water can affect the taste of water and your health. Think of it this way, if you buy a pet fish, you are often advised to fill the tank with water and leave it for a few days before putting the fish in. This process is meant to off-gas chlorine. This is the same chlorine that will kill fish if you put it in too soon. If it kills fish, what are you doing these?

is also a lack of tap water to be pumped through the endless tubes of different materials from plastic copper lead in different states of age and corruption before getting into your home (which has the pipes of different ages and materials, too.) Even if there was well-purified at the municipal plant, who say it could pick up on the way to your kitchen sink?

to worry about tap water led to a boom in sales of bottled water. Something that you used to be virtually free now costs more per gallon than gasoline. Everywhere you look there are water bottles that say they are from natural springs, artesian wells and pristine glaciers. The fact is, many of the big companies use the same sources of water that comes from municipal water. Some even buy municipal water, then filter and treated pretty much the same before bottling and selling it to you at a markup. In many ways, you're really paying for a little more water in a plastic bottle with a pretty label. As the FDA monitors bottled water instead of the EPA - as with the municipal water supply - it's actually less monitored by municipal, especially if it is sold within the state it was in the bottle. Environmentalists argue that the production of thousands of plastic bottles actually does more damage to the environment than just go ahead and drink from the tap.

So, what's the solution?

You might try a filtered jug for your drinking water, or under-the-sink system for the kitchen. For many, the obvious choice is to buy your own home water treatment system. With a home system, you can follow your lead, not some outside source. You can filter all those chemicals and minerals in order to get fresh, healthy water from every tap. And as is May seem to be up-front cost is expensive, you only have to be weighed against the cost of buying all those bottles every week to see savings. In addition, you can get more benefits than just healthy drinking water. You'll find your wash out the lighter, use less cleaning supplies, and pet fish is a lot happier in your tank!


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